X-Men 6 Diary: Sub-Mariner Joins the Evil Mutants or Hello Dreamboat

 Credit Sub-Mariner for being one of Marvel's oldest heroes.  He appeared in Marvel Comics #1 with art by legend Bill Everett.  But what was it about Sub-Mariner and the ladies of Marvel in the early sixties?  Of course, we know Sue Storm was mildly infatuated with Sub-Mariner in the early days.  And it seems that Scarlet Witch was quite taken with him as well.  But let's get to the X-Men 6 Comic Reading Library diary entry.

Uninspired (but informative) Title: Sub-Mariner Joins the Evil Mutants

Written with the flair of Stan Lee
Drawn with the air of Jack Kirby
Inked with the care of Chic Stone
Lettered on a dare by S. Rosen

A Light-Hearted Start

So far, the title splashes of the first six X-Men comics have been short on real drama, but I can't complain too much.  The humor and entertainment value shines.  I have a hard time seeing Hank McCoy as a guy with no manners, though.  One area that the Silver Age Marvel excelled at, giving credit to contributors.  And this was a good one!

Sub-Mariner: Fish or Man, the Girls Love Him

So, Sub-Mariner doesn't wear a shirt.  Is that his key to success with the ladies?  Either way, it seemed to be a recurring theme with Stan.  (Kind of like how so many leading ladies had red hair.)  Namor entered this story demoralized from his last defeat by the Fantastic Four.  These early tales didn't clearly distinguish Namor as a hero.  But the continuity amongst the series was one thing that gave Marvel an advantage over DC at the time.

Zemo Takes on the World

Another mouth-watering ad.  That was a big month for Baron Zemo.  First, he took on America's greatest commando unit, and then the world's mightiest heroes.  I would say not bad for one guy, but he lost.

First of Jack Kirby's X-Men Pinups

As leader of the band, Cyclops starred in the first of Jack Kirby's X-Men pin-ups.  I wonder if these were planned or if they came up one page short on the story?  Either way, the story was entertaining.  It's always fun to have the crossovers.  With so many of these superhero conflicts resulting from acting before speaking, and speaking before listening, they would be wise to listen to the admonition of James.  "My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry."  James 1:19.


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